On Mac or Windows, use the instructions for your platform from Docker's documentation. On Linux it's best to use your operating system package manager, apt on ubuntu or debian, yum or dnf on Fedora/Centos/RHEL and pacman or yay on Archlinux. To get kind working, you need to have Docker installed. To make things easier for yourself, you can clone the examples within the tutorial in our public git repository: Kubernetes Hello World. Setting up a local Kubernetes cluster is incredibly simple these days, thanks to the wide availability of tools like Minikube, Mikrok8s, Kind etc… Throughout this tutorial we’ll use kind because it’s the fastest to set up with minimal dependencies, as long as you are able to run Docker on your machine. Either way, this step-by-step guide will walk you through setting up a Kubernetes cluster on your own computer and deploy a simple application into the cluster.
Maybe you’ve heard of Kubernetes but haven’t explored it any further or you’ve done a bit of research but have yet to test the waters of what it can do.